New Ontario Wild Onion/Garlic
I found an Ontario wild onion/garlic today when was scrubbing the ground by the side of a creek. Now I can’t claim this is a new species but none of the wild garlic/onion species I can find on the internet seems to match the photos here. So, for now, I am naming it Allium Yaˀnǫhšaˀ. Yaˀnǫhšaˀ is onion in Wyandot language used by Mississauga first nations in the 17th century. It should really be wild onion but we will see. When someone tells me “Ragu it is a known thing called Allium blah” I will stop this! Okay, it could be Allium Cernuum which is possible if the flowers change colour to pink/purple after a few days!
It looks line onion and smells like garlic. I looked around found some leaves and grass to pack it and brought some home! I found out they are indeed a thing and are edible! See the pictures yourself.
I think related to this one but not the same: Allium canadense. If I am not sick or dead by the end of tomorrow you can trust it is edible! How about that?
I found a few more wildflowers this week and added them to my wildflower post here. Enjoy!
PS: Not that you care! But, I am still alive and kicking after my wife cooked a nice Indian Gojju out of the wild onion! It was amazing. My wife will post a recipe on her website: for you to enjoy!